LaseMD Ultra

LaseMD Ultra

Ultra is a comfortable "Thulium" non-ablative fractionated laser. Ultra offers customized outcomes with virtually no downtime for all skin types, all year round.

Ultra can treat mild to moderate:

  • Age Spots

  • Freckles

  • Sun Spots

  • Pigmented Lesions

  • Sun Damage

  • Active Acne/Scarring

  • Actinic Keratosis

What to expect?

Your provider will apply numbing cream prior to your treatment. The treatment itself (after 20-30 minute numbing) ranges from 5-20 minutes. Immediately following the treatment, you will notice some redness which will lessen over the next day or so. The following 5-6 days, your skin will have a dry, sandpaper-like texture. This is normal and will resolve as your skin exfoliates, revealing fresher, clearer skin.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending upon your expectations, you may see results after a single treatment while other skin conditions could require several sessions.